Jan 21

I have a questionable opinion on social media as I know it I think it is the originator of fake news, which I think is horrible I believe in newsprint for news.
Other than mass communication and sharing information  cheaply, I really don’t see a lot of uses  for social media as I know it today., I think it has the potential to be very dangerous.
I think technology has changed our lives so fast. That people like me don’t know what happened. And we must go thru the pain of catching on. I  don’t really know about anything but face book.



  1. Hi David!
    Everything that is maneuvered by people can be trust or mistrust. Just like there are trustworthy newspapers, there are also a lot of them that spread fake news. With the purpose of calling our attention, selling more, so they can get more money. It is sad, but we have to live aware of it.

  2. Hello David!
    People have to be careful with social media with companies trying to spam people. I have had companies reach out to me that want me to be an ambassador and turn out to be fake. Whenever a company reaches out to me I go to YouTube and see if there are any reviews on them.

  3. I appreciate your sentiments and share some of your frustrations. I suppose if we are all learning to be a little more savvy, even if it is only because of the need to protect ourselves, we are somewhat better off for that.


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